To optimize the human experience by creating a safe and connected world.
Stephen Porges first presented Polyvagal Theory in 1994. Over the next 10 years it was gradually adopted by a new wave of leading trauma therapists who found in Polyvagal Theory (PVT) a clear explanation for the effectiveness of their body-based methodologies. For these new-thinking therapists, and the generation of clinicians who followed, Polyvagal Theory opened up the ‘black box’ that is our nervous system and connected, for the first time, our sense of safety with behavior and communication patterns.
In the past few years, the polyvagal perspective has spread beyond the field of trauma to other disciplines as well as to the broader wellness and healthcare communities. We, as a society, are in the process of realizing we communicate through our nervous systems as much as our intellects. Hear from experienced polyvagalists working in a variety of disciplines what the theory means to them in this video about Polyvagal Theory.
We’ve launched Polyvagal Institute, a non-profit organization, as a means to further this trend. Founded by Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Karen Onderko, and Randall Redfield in 2020, PVI's mission is to advance social communication and connectivity by building community, facilitating research, improving quality of care, and offering education on this new understanding of the mind/body system. We believe we can effect change at both individual and societal levels: as individuals, we become better, more compassionate communicators as we understand how human connections are formed, and as a society we can glean a new paradigm for providing care, whether the care be given in a hospital or classroom or home.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. Give us feedback, chime in, and if you think we’re on the right track we’d love to have your support!
Randall Redfield
Executive Director and
Jen Stengel
Director of Enrollment
& Customer Care
Suzie Cavassa
Chief Operating Officer
Stephanie D'Angelo
Director of Community Development
Jerry Mocciola
Media Director
Regan Desautels
Course Coordinator
Caroline Vásquez
Director of Marketing & Communications
Lovinah Carmon
Administrative Coordinator
Stephen Porges, PhD
​Ex Officio Board Member and Co-Founder
Karen Onderko
Board Member and